It was very satisfying this week to get a notification from WordPress reminding me of my blogiversary.
Six years of blogging!
The time sure has flown. And although I still have much to learn about online writing, I can say with confidence that nothing beats the professional development and reflection that public writing has afforded me.
As if one milestone wasn’t enough, this was also the week that I clicked over the 10,000 tweet mark (!)
Sadly I missed the exact moment and didn’t get a screenshot, but here’s how it’s looking today:
2008 – what was happening?
A quick look at my profile stats shows that I joined Twitter in May 2008, and created my blog not long after in June 2008.
Around this time I was:
- 27 years old
- living in Southwest Sydney
- halfway into my second year of full time teaching
- part time enrolled in my PhD
- newly married
- on the ‘Web & Technology’ and ‘Curriculum and Assessment’ Committees of the NSW ETA
Whew! When that’s all written down in a list we can see it was big year! And that’s just the ‘big stuff’.
The ETA bit is important, because it’s through ETA work that I met one of my most influential and constant mentors, Darcy Moore – it was his persistent encouragement that persuaded me to start tweeting and blogging. His advice at the time, which has always stuck with me, was that I shouldn’t be afraid to put my views in the public domain, as long as they are views I am prepared to defend and stand by. In fact, the test of whether you are prepared to say something in public can be an excellent method for testing your convictions.
I’ve used the metaphor before, but real True Blood fans can stand to hear it twice: Darcy you’re the best ‘maker’ ever!
![Bill_jessica S2](
CC-BY-SA image from
My other big digi-hat tips go to Bianca Hewes for being such an incredible force of energy and inspiration, and to Mary-Helen Ward who got me writing my first ever blog posts back at university on the internal network. You gals have left footprints all over my professional (and personal) life and I’m so grateful for it.
Milestones IRL – Work
The end of this semester also marks a non-virtual, real life work milestone: four years in one job.
Four. Years. In. One. Job.
It’s not for lack of stamina that I haven’t stayed anywhere else for longer than three years. I worked part time for awhile when I started my PhD. Then I taught for three years in one place before moving interstate and reseting the meter. So it’s not like I’m some kind of education sector Runaway Bride! Although I am also no Baby Boomer, and I confess the idea of staying in one job for a lifetime is simply unfathomable to me. I won’t bother linking to any of the plethora of ridiculous articles about how Gen Y make bad employees – as a Gen X/Gen Y ‘cusper’ I never see myself in those stories (I’m too young to relate to Winona Ryder in Reality Bites, and too old to pull off skinny jeans). But suffice to say that after four years in one job, I’m feeling a sense of stability that I’ve never known before. It’s nice. I’m finally standing still for long enough to start sharpening the saw.
What Next?
Well, it turns out that this is my 299th blog post, so post number 300 is just around the corner :)
Other than that, I’m going to keep on keeping on with my online writing and continue to integrate digital communication/curation into my teaching practice. I’m working on a few scholarly journal articles for publication early next year, so my post-PhD academic writing funk looks like it may have finally run it’s course.
I’m trying to take a more active role in promoting our local English Teacher chat on Twitter (#ozengchat).
I’m slowly collecting my poetry teaching materials on the web for other teachers to access with ease.
Aside from that, time will tell.
But for now let me just say: thanks for reading, and happy blogging everyone!